Class 10th English Vvi Subjective Question Answer 2025
किस लेख के माध्यम से आप सभी तक कक्षा दसवीं का इंग्लिश का most important लघु उत्तरीय एवं दीर्घ उत्तरीयप्रश्न बताने वाले हैं जो मैट्रिक परीक्षा में हर साल आने वाले प्रश्न है यदि आप लोग इस प्रश्न को पढ़कर जाते हैं तो 100% आप अच्छा स्कोर इंग्लिश में कर पाएंगे तो आप लोग इस आर्टिकल को अपने दोस्तों मित्रों के पास शेयर जरूर करें और इस क्वेश्चन को अपने बुक में नोट और याद जरूर करें
1. Do you have any pet animal? How does it show concern for you?
Ans– I am fond of pets. I have a pet dog. I call it Jimi. It accompaines me when I go out for a walk. It begins to wag its tail when it sees me It licks my feet. It likes to play with me. At night it guards my house. A cat never comes to my home due to its presence. It is devoted to me.
2. Tell the name of any film which you like. Point out its salient features.
Ans- Recently I went to see the famous picture “Three Idiots”. The story was interesting but instructive. It warned men against the evil. The songs were sweet. The picture was full of amusement. It was thrilling. It kept us spell-bound. But sorry to say that it was true copy of American film-“Four Idiots”.
3. Who are taken to be slow thinkers? How are the slow thinkers handicapped today?
Ans- Those who are cursed with I’ esprit de l’ escaliert, in real sense they are slow minded. People who light on the most devastating repartee about four hours after party. Such people get the lowest marks in any intelligence test. A slow thinker are terribly handicapped in the business of getting a living.
4. What is more precious than diamond, silver or gold.
Ans- The beauty of genuine brotherhood and peace is more precious than diamond of silver or gold. Diamond, silver and gold are precious metals but they cannot make the world a happier place to live in, Genuine brotherhood and peace are more necessary than these material things for the survival of the human race.
5. Which is the most potent and versatile art form?
Ans- The cinema is the most potent and versatile art form.
6. Why is Radha’s friend so worried?
Ans- Radha’s health is decaying day by day. Her friend took this to heart. She thought that Radha might loose her health to the last. So she worried.
7. What does the ‘silver pitcher’ symbolis in the poem?
Ans- Silver pitcher’ symbolize for wealth. The wealthy man has seven silver pitchers full of gold coins. Gold coins are precious and their containers are also costly. They were made of silver
8. Contentment is the style of life. Discuss in the light of poem.
Ans- We must have heard of Socrates. He was one of the greatest men of the world. He was a great Greek philosopher. He had cut down all his needs to the barest minimum. when he went out shopping he did not say, “I want this bush shirt” on the other hand he looked into a shop and said, “I do not want this I can do without it.” He found that he could easily do without most of the things. He had no need for many things. He was contented man because his demands, were few and were easily satisfied. Thus contentment was the style of life. We should follow his footsteps.
10. When were do the Sun and Moon allowed to meet the guests?
Ans- Sun and Moon were allowed to meet the guests in the drawing-room before the party began. The ladies said that they were like ducks and lambs. They kissed them. Then their mother asked them to go back to their room.
11. Why did Munni suggest Halku to give up tenant farming in ‘January Night’?
Ans- Munni suggested Halku to give up tenant farming because the work was killing him. Whatever he harvested went to pay up the arrears. So it was letter to finish with it.
12. Who were Sun and Moon?
Ans- Sun was a boy and Moon was his sister. Sun was older than Moon.
13. Sketch the character of Munni from ‘January Night’.
Ans- Munni is the wife of Halku, a poor tenant farmer. Her husband cannot save enough money for food, clothes and paying rent to the landlord. They are not happy with their poor condition. Munni is a practical lady. She is a good woman. She always helps Halku is his work. Munni advices her husband to give up tenant farming, because it is killing them. She advices him to do some other work. On the whole Munni is an ideal woman.
14. How did Gessler die?
Ans- Glessler was German shoemaker settled in London. He was an artist. He made perfect boots but he took a long time to make one pair. He made only what was ordered. He did not know the tricks of modern business. He had very few customers because he did not advertise his goods. So, big firms took away the work customers because he did not advertise his goods. So, big firms took away the work from him and he was left with very little work. His business went down and he could not save money for his food. He died of slow starvation because he spent all the money he earned in rent and leather.
15. What picture of the statue of women in the family is represented in ‘Two Horizons”?
Ans- Two Horizons presents a good picture of status of women in the family. It shows the inler dependent love between daughter and mother. Both of them love each other. Their deep love is shown through letters A girl has to go to another’s house after marriage where she has to manage the family gently and peacefully. For sometime she may feel wearness and emptiness but in due course she would adjust in the new family. This story says this. The mother had also felt the weariness and emptiness when she came from her father’s house. No her daughter also feels the same situation.
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Bihar Board Class 10th Hindi Vvi Subjective Question Answer 2025