Write A Paragraph Health Is Wealth, The Season I Like Most & Food Of the Following

Write A Paragraph Health Is Wealth, The Season I Like Most & Food Of the Following

यदि आप भी मैट्रिक फाइनल परीक्षा 2025 में देने वाले हैं तो यह पैराग्राफ आपके लिए काफी महत्वपूर्ण है क्योंकि आपकी परीक्षा में इसी टॉपिक पर ज्यादा पूछे जाने वाले पैराग्राफ है जो कि हम आपको इस आर्टिकल में बताया गया है तो आप लोग इस पैराग्राफ को जरूर एक बार अपने कॉपी में रिवाइज करें और उसे जरूर दोहराएं ऐसे करने से आपको हमेशा इस टॉपिक पर याद रहेगा और आप लोग परीक्षा में आसानी से इस क्वेश्चन को सॉल्व कर पाएंगे ।

Write A Paragraph Health Is Wealth

1. Health is Wealth

Health is the real wealth of a man. It is because only a healthy man can do something in life. He can earn more and more wealth. He enjoys life. He enjoys peace of mind and sound sleep at night. A healthy mind resides in a sound body. On the other hand, a man of ill health is never happy. He always feels irritated. Life has no charm for him. It seems to be meaningless for him. Therefore. even though he is a master of millions, life becomes a burden for him, too unbearable to carry. Therefore, a beggar with a glow of health on his cheeks is better than a millionaire who is sickly and pale-looking.

2. The Season I Like Most

The season that I like most is the spring. It is because other seasons do not suit me. Summer is too hot. In rainy season, when it rains, it is all water, mud and filth everywhere. When it does not rain, it is too close. Summer and rainy seasons I can tolerate, but winter I cannot. The biting cold freezes my blood. To be wrapped up in sweaters and woolen sheets all the time is too irritating for me. I am never free from cough and cold as long as it lasts. But spring is neither hot nor cold. Nor are there the mud and filth of rainy season. The climate becomes temperate and pleasant. Nature puts on a new, charming look. The song of the cuckoo from every tree greets our ears. That is why spring is my most favourite season.

(iv) Flood

Flood is a great natural calamity. It creates a scene of destruction all around. Crops are submerged in its water and completely destroyed. It breaks the backs of farmers. Many houses, particularly built of mud and belonging to the poor, collapse. Thousands are rendered homeless. They are forced to take shelter at other places. They spend their time under the open sky, either in the unbearable heat of the sun or in non-stop rains Their cattle are washed away, or die for want of fodder. Even after it subsides, it leaves a tale of misery behind. Epidemics break out. With all their foodgrains destroyed, people are left to the mercy of small government help, or charitable societies. Those who are not its victims cannot imagine the plight of the flood-affected people.

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