Most of the class-12 students remain anxious and worried about the Physics Board Exam. But if students follow some tips and tricks, they can feel confidence in solving Physics questions and can excel in the Physics Board exam.

In this article, I would mention you some useful tips to Excel in Physics Board Exam. Here are the most important tips that would surely benefit you in performing well in the Physics Board exam 2025

Some Useful Tips:—

  • Conceptual Understanding is important 

Some students waste their time due to regular physical tuition classes. They do a lot of writing work but still there is no understanding about concepts.

So, until and unless concept are developed, students cannot perform well in exams. Both conceptual understanding and procedural knowledge is important.

  • Self-study is important : Self-study provides a backbone to all sources of learning, be it tuition, classroom learning, or any other source. Self-study also gives space to think and rethink on particular topics to make transfer-of-learning possible and make concepts more clear.

Think about the theories and try to apply the same concept in various situations. For example, use the same formula of Electric Flux in different contexts.

Then, you should look for different varieties of questions based on that particular topic you read.

And for self-study, you should also have a good quality notes (for better understanding).


Good notes are necessary for self-study

Without having good notes, self-study becomes useless. So, it is the most important factor in bringing excellence. Firstly, you should have Good notes that can help you learn concepts easily and faster.

I would like to recommend you all to study from the special notes of Physics (available on the App— ELECTRON STORY 12). These notes would help you to have control over the concepts and numerical applications both in a quite handy way. It would help you to cross-check the solutions you do (for every NCERT question). Plus, it would help you to revise the notes, no matter wherever you go.


You can feel confident at every moment in class-12, if you have these notes.

Because when I was in class -12, there were a number of tasks to do like assignments, preparation for competitive exams, preparation for entrance (JEE/NEET/etc). So, sometimes, we don’t even get time to complete our school notebooks on time. And this becomes a cause for pressure on students. I think if students will have this material, they would be resourceful for the whole year. And their notebooks would be timely checked by teacher. There would be no fear of incomplete notebooks.

Click here to GET TOPPER’S PHYSICS NOTES (available on ELECTRON STORY 12 app)


Helps in building Conceptual Clarity

These notes are created by a Physics Topper and It follows a step-by-step procedure along with the statements and explanation for each step, so that every student can understand the procedure of deriving that particular formula.

These notes also makes concepts clear by providing illustrations and necessary explanations.

These notes also tell you — how to write in Board exam to score high marks.

Useful in reducing Anxiety of Board Exam

Only class-12 students know what is called burden. There always remains a heavy demands from coaching as well as school teachers regarding timely submission of projects, practicals and homeworks, etc.

But, these notes are superb and would help in reducing the anxiety of students and would provide confidence. There would be no fear of incomplete notebooks. I think if students will have this material, they would be resourceful for the whole year.

Helps in Time management and gives much time for JEE Preparation.

It would help in faster learning and helps in time management. Students can submit their homeworks timely. It would save their time. And give enough time to students to focus on JEE/NEET content.

Not only in classroom work, but these notes would also help in better understanding of concepts and would help in scoring excellent marks in board exams. These notes (on Electron Story 12 App) would also help you to cross-check the solutions you do (for every NCERT question).

Concise and Comprehensive 

The Topper notes are very comprehensive in nature. It covers almost every topic and every formula that is envisaged in the CBSE syllabus of class-12 Physics. Along with that, it is very concise also. And you all must note one thing — “Concise notes helps at the last moment”.

When exams are near, you cannot read the full book in less time. But you can easily go through concise notes. So, if you are thinking to cover the complete syllabus in short time period, this Topper’s notes (on ELECTRON STORY 12) is the best choice.

Created by a Physics Topper

The Topper notes (available on the App) are created by a Physics Topper herself. She herself scored 98% in the CBSE Board exam. If you also study from these notes, you can easily score 98% in the Board exam.

Adaptable and universal in nature :—

It would help you to revise the notes, no matter wherever you go.You just need your cell phone and you can read any topic from the class-12 Physics Syllabus in just one go.

Very affordable also

It is very affordable. Currently, it comes with a discount of 85%. The original price is Rs 1999. But currently, it is available at just Rs 299. And you should try to understand that the cost price is very insignificant and small when compared to the quality and usefulness of the material.

Unlimited time-period

These notes are not like the traditional subscriptions offered by various companies which come with 1 year validity only.

The Topper’s notes (available on the App— ELECTRON STORY 12) come with lifetime validity.

Once purchased, it would be activated for unlimited time-period. Means you can use these notes forever and you can even give it to other students after completing class-12.


To summarise, following are the key features of the Topper’s Physics notes (available on ELECTRON STORY 12) :—

Key features :—

  • Notes are based on the most reputed curriculum of the Nation (CBSE)
  • Exceptional quality, and organisation.
  • To-the-point (Concise)
  • Learner-centric approach
  • English medium notes
  • Created by a Physics Topper
  • Verified by Physics teachers and Experts (100% reliable)
  • Universal Design (Adaptable to diverse learners)
  • Promotes autonomous learning
  • Well-detailed illustrations and diagrams
  • Contains solutions for every NCERT question.
  • Also contains solutions of most important extra questions from Guidebooks and Reference books.
  • Balanced Approach (A perfect balance between Conceptual Knowledge and Procedural Knowledge)
  • An ultimate boon for those who want to excel in CBSE Class-12 exam.
  • Very Affordable (only Rs 299)

CLICK HERE to Download the App (ELECTRON STORY 12)

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